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رویدادهای شهروندی آینده

ما خوشحالیم که با کمپین آمریکایی های جدید همکاری می کنیم و تمام فعالیت های مربوط به شهروندی آینده را در اینجا ارتقا خواهیم داد.

Media Contacts: For press and media inquiries regarding NPNA's position on an issue, or to request and interview or appearance on your program, please contact us [email protected]
Naturalize Now, Houston! is a public-private partnership that aims to help 300,000 eligible Houstonians apply for U.S. Citizenship. NPNA, City of Houston, Harris County, and Citizenship Community Navigators at community-based organizations assist lawful permanent residents across the greater Houston area in accessing quality and affordable immigration legal services, help complete the naturalization application, and study for the citizenship exam.